CHRYSO CORROCRETE is a bipolar migrating corrosion inhibitor formulated to inhibit the corrosion of steel in reinforced concrete.

Often, corroding rebar in deteriorating concrete is the cause of costly repairs, financial losses, injuries, and other multiple issues. CHRYSO® CORROCRETE is a one stop solution for all corrosion issues in concrete.
CHRYSO® CORROCRETE helps in extending the service life of new structures by proactively delaying the onset of corrosion. It helps in maintaining structural integrity by eliminating the chance of corrosion.

Corrosion Inhibitor


Extended Life

Enhanced durability of concrete


Promotes Sustainability


Corrosion Inhibitor


CHRYSO®CORROCRETE is a bipolar corrosion inhibiting admixture in liquid form for reinforced concrete and mortar. It provides outstanding resistance against corrosion of rebars. Domains of application CHRYSO®CORROCRETE can be used in reinforced concrete subjected to aggressive corrosive environment specifically in Chloride induced corrosion. It is very suitable for concrete in foundation sub-structures, Bridges, Tunnels, Retaining Walls, Industrial Plants, Park decks in multistoried car parks etc.

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