The aim of grinding operation is to reduce the particle size of various materials such as raw meal, clinker or Secondary Cementeous Materials.

Chryso supports its customers in finding the right additive to meet their specific challenges such as:

  • Production increase
  • Energy saving
  • Process optimization

All the grinding plants represent on average 70 to 75% of the cement plant electricity consumption. It is therefore top priority for cement producers to be looking at optimizing their mill performance.

Our products


Flowability / Pack Set Grinding Performance Water Demand Reduction Set Time 1-3 Day Strengths 28 Day Strengths
★★☆☆ ★★★☆ = = ★☆☆☆ =


Flowability / Pack Set Grinding Performance Water Demand Reduction Set Time 1-3 Day Strengths 28 Day Strengths
★★★★ ★★★★ = = ★★☆☆ ★☆☆☆

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